Brazilian Music Friday Feature #3

This week's pick: Musica da Lagoa by the amazing Hermeto Pascoal, in honor of the fact that I just bought a ticket to see him perform in San Francisco in April(!!) He's 80 years old, almost never performs in the U.S., and this is basically a bucket list item, so I had to.

Hermeto is a brilliant multi-instrumentalist, composer, improviser, and bandleader, often using unexpected objects in his music, such as a live pig, and water, as you'll see below. He's also so prolific that he's written the Calendario do Som - a piece for every day of the year, so everyone has a piece for their birthday!

Some items that caught my eye on the internet lately:

Grace Bonney is so inspiring - I'm excited to pick up her book from the library this weekend.

• Josh Radnor on the Space Cave podcast: Part 1 | Part 2

Space Cave is comedian David Huntsberger's (from Professor Blastoff) excellent podcast - basically, humans talking about being human.

• The lovely word feuillemort = having the color of a dying leaf (timely!)

What if joy is my only metric for success?

Hey Eleanor - It’s Not Okay: the only good thing about the horrific nightmare that is Trump is the important conversations that are now happening about how our society implicitly treats women.

• The amazing concert I went to in Oakland in August with Vitor Gonçalves/Léa Freire/Harvey Wainapel was broadcast on KCSM. I'm not using superlatives lightly here, it was that good - listen in the archives until Nov. 3 or so!



Brazilian Music Friday Feature #4


Brazilian Music Friday Feature #2